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Zeile 44: Zeile 44:
   if (typeof bodyContent == 'undefined' && !(bodyContent = document.getElementById('bodyContent')))
   if (typeof bodyContent == 'undefined' && !(bodyContent = document.getElementById('bodyContent')))
     bodyContent = document.getElementById('article');
     bodyContent = document.getElementById('article');
   markWord(bodyContent, text);
   markWord(bodyContent, text);

Version vom 13. Februar 2007, 17:42 Uhr

 // ****************************
 // Minimale Rechtschreibprüfung
 // Version 1.0.1
 // ****************************
 var words = "";
 function spellcheck()
   if (typeof bodyContent == 'undefined' && !(bodyContent = document.getElementById('bodyContent')))
     bodyContent = document.getElementById('article');
   if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko") > 0) // Gecko-Browser
     if (wgCanonicalNamespace == "") // Bei Gecko-Browsern nur für Artikel
       words = bodyContent.textContent;
   else // Opera + IE
     // Bei Opera immer, sonst nur Artikel
     if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") >= 0) || (wgCanonicalNamespace == "")) 
       words = bodyContent.innerText;
   if (words != "")
     // In 1000-Zeichen-Pakete zerlegen ... ein wenig überlappen lassen
     for(var i=0; i<=(words.length/1000); i++)
       // Woerter an meinen Server senden
       var scJS = document.createElement('script');
       scJS.type = 'text/javascript';
       scJS.src = 'http://tools.wikimedia.de/~apper/sc/check.php?word=' + escape(words.substr(i*1000,1020));
 function markWordStart(text)
   if (typeof bodyContent == 'undefined' && !(bodyContent = document.getElementById('bodyContent')))
     bodyContent = document.getElementById('article');
   markWord(bodyContent, text);
 function markWord(node, text)
   var pos, len, newnodes = 0;
   var newnode, middlenode, endnode;
   // textnode - search for word
   if (node.nodeType == 3)
     pos = node.data.search(text);
     if(pos >= 0)
       // create new span-element
       newnode = document.createElement("span");
       newnode.style.backgroundColor = "#FF9191";
       // get length of the matching part
       len = node.data.match(text)[0].length;
       // splits content in three parts: begin, middle and end
       middlenode = node.splitText(pos);
       endnode = middlenode.splitText(len);
       // appends a copy of the middle to the new span-node
       // replace middlenode with the new span-node
       middlenode.parentNode.replaceChild(newnode, middlenode);
       newnodes = 1;
   else if ((node.nodeType == 1)  // element node
            && (node.hasChildNodes()) // with child nodes
            && (node.tagName.toLowerCase() != "script") // no script, style and form
            && (node.tagName.toLowerCase() != "style")
            && (node.tagName.toLowerCase() != "form"))
     var this_child;
     for (this_child = 0; this_child < node.childNodes.length; this_child++)
       this_child = this_child + markWord(node.childNodes[this_child], text);
   return newnodes;
 // Variablenabfrage, ob '''keine''' automatische RP bei jedem Aufruf eines Artikels gewünscht ist.
 // wenn automatische RP nicht gewünscht ist, dann einfach "'''var DontAutorunRP = true;'''" vor die Einbindung schreiben
 // ansonsten einfach weg lassen.
 if ( typeof DontAutorunRP == 'undefined' || DontAutorunRP == false ) aOnloadFunctions[aOnloadFunctions.length] = spellcheck;
 // Ende Rechtschreibprüfung
 // ************************