Duckipedia:Werkstatt/Mickey Mouse Club/Sherry Alberoni
Sherry Alberoni (Allen)
Lorraine Santoli erinnert sich: I remember in Sydney when Bobby, Sherry, and Mickey Mouse appeared live on "Good Morning, Australia," the Aussies' equivalent of our "Good Morning, America." After the show host introduced the threesome, he went on to explain how he was going to pull off a never-before-attempted feat - expose Mickey by removing his head. I was standing just out of camera range as a look of utter shock came over the faces of Bobby and Sherry. Quickly responding to the outrageous contention, Sherry hastily replied, "Take off Mickey's head? Mickey's head doesn't come off - take off Bobbys head!" Laughter prevailed - she saved the day.
Offenbar 1988 zu Mickys 60sten
Vorwort von Lorraine Santoli, August 1994 in "The official Mickey Mouse Club book" by Lorraine Santoli, S. XXIII
Im Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse Club Magazine wurde Sherry Alberoni wie folgt beschrieben:
- „Sherry Allen begann mit zweieinhalb Jahren mit dem Tanzunterricht und trat schon bald in der Öffentlichkeit auf. Sie war ein "Red Feather Kid" für die Community Chest und wurde einmal als Covergirl ausgewählt.“[1]
Sherry Alberoni:
"My brother was the one who originally got the audition for 'The Mickey Mouse Club'. But he was a drummer and they already had Cubby. When they asked him if he played any other instrument, he said, 'No, but I have a little sister who tap-dances.'" "I had a lisp and Sid Miller thought it was hysterical; he loved it. I guess it came in handy, because it helped me get hired."[2]
The Mickey Mouse Club[Bearbeiten]
Nach dem Club[Bearbeiten]
- ↑ „Sherry Allen began dancing lessons at two-and-a-half, and was soon making public appearances. She was a “Red Feather Kid” for the Community Chest and was once chosen to be a cover girl.“
„New Young Stars“. Walt Disney's Magazine Vol II Nr. 2, S. 5. - ↑ Lorraine Santoli (1995). „The official Mickey Mouse Club book“, S. 80, Hyperion.