I'm in the Middle of a Muddle

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I'm in the Middle of a Muddle ist ein nicht genutzter Filmsong aus Cinderella (1950). Er wurde von Mack David, Al Hoffman und Jerry Livingston gesungen. In dem Zeichentrickfilm sollte er von Cinderella gesungen werden, als sie ihre Probleme beklagt.

Englischer Text

I'm in the middle of a muddle

In the middle of a muddle am I

I wanna have fun, I wanna have fun

But the work is piling high

I'm in the middle of a riddle

In the middle of a riddle, oh my

I'll never get done, I'll never get done

Because I'm only I

It seems my work just never stops

The rooms turn into rooms

Oh, how I wish my feet were mops

And my hands were brooms

I'm in a topsy of a turvy

In a topsy of a turvy, it's true

I wish I were twins, I wish I were twins

I'm in the muddle in the middle of a muddle

And I can't muddle through

Cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella (Cinderella)

Cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella (Cinderella)

It seems my work just never stops

The rooms turn into rooms

Oh, how I wish my feet were mops

And my hands were brooms

I'm in a topsy of a turvy

In a topsy of a turvy, it's true

I wish I were twins, I wish I were twins

I'm in the muddle in the middle of a muddle

And I can't muddle through

Hintergrund und Auftritte in anderen Medien

Ursprünglich sollte Cinderella ihre Probleme und ihre ungesunden Arbeitsgewohnheiten in einem Lied selber beklagen. Die Produzenten entschieden allerdings, dass sich Cinderella dadurch unsymphathisch machen würde, weshalb in dem schlussendlich genutztem Song (Das Arbeitslied) die Mäuse singen.
